How to use "Algorithm pi" - Employee

Video description

1. Install Algorithm pi application

Algorithm pi
Go to the download page

2. Main page

On the mainpage, control panel, employee can edit and see the working progress.
If there are any doubts or problems, click the support tab and discuss.

Green: remote Employees take the job and are currently working.
Red: paused. Employees can not start work.
Yellow: Interview section

Earned: Earned from current project. After 3 business days, confirmed work progress, will update on withdrawal status.
for Bonus: Set deadline for bonus date. When employees finish the project within this period, get 10% of their salary.
for Completion: Set deadline of the project. After the date, the compensation of current worker would reduced by 5% every hour,

After taking the project, the checked tab turns green, runs the algorithm pi application and starts work.

All employee's working activity is recorded and transferred to algorithm pi server.
Keep checking the algorithmpi may improve the work efficiency.

3. Resume

In order to get job titles, all employees must submit a resume and pass the interview.
Please click the resume button and follow the instructions.

Green: Subproject was assigned by a remote worker.
Blue: Subproject is listed on the job market.

4. Discuss

Here, on discuss (chat) page, is the section to interact with project managers.
At the top left, using quick change to move to another chat room.

5. Schedule

There is a schedule feature only for employees.
This schedule is optional and does not affect work progress.
For better efficiency, recommended to schedule your time and manage it effectively.